A existência resume-se a uma laranja. Gomo a gomo se faz uma história de vida... a caminho do 3ºGomo...eu vou!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


...A areia some-lhe entre os dedos...como o tempo que passou e que jah não pode recuperar...Imagina-se sozinho no mundo...pior, sozinho, sem projectos nem perspectivas...enche o peito com o ar que sopra do mar...Sabe que o tempo corre contra ele...mas não se deixa intimidar...

Flashes dos últimos 10 anos disparam-lhe na memória...gradualmente, arquiva-os nos confins do seu ser, cuidadosamente compilados, todos os momentos a dois, tudo o que os unia, tudo arrumado...

A névoa do tempo encarregar-se-a de fazer o resto...Embora saiba que esquecer é impossível, recordar é ainda mais doloroso...

O processo aproxima-se do fim...Depois da escuridão, vem a Luz...

Sabe que não tem nada a provar...nada a perder...

Carrega no play do ipod e enche uma vez mais o peito com o ar do mar...

"another day...time for abuse
have homosapiens...
outgrown their use
a sad history...of the things we did
i'm doing my best...in this place i live
i'm doing my best...in this place i live
you better look inside
be a man dont run and hide
be responsible for what you've done
when it's your turn
don't you run
no one is wise enough...
to be another master
each man is good as the next
but she's a damn sight better
i'm doing my best...in these times i give
i'm doing my best!
you better look inside
be a man dont run and hide
be responsible for what you've done
when it's your turn
don't you run!

i see the world in a...
i see the world in a...
i see the world in a...
i see the world in a...
black light.."


"in these days
there's no such thing as
random violence
it's deliberate
and premeditated
ignorance in your way
you're accountable
for your own actions
life is the path you take
the uncaring
and loss of resepct
leads to agony

life is sacred
tread softly in your ways
there's an epidemic
in these days

in one's own life
not all bad doings
go unrepaid
a life of crime
brings upon you
many unhappy days
you're at fault
for your own actions
life is a path you take
the uncaring
and loss of resepct
leads to agony

you are responsible for
your own actions in this life
whatever roads you travel
will lead you to where you are right now"


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